Friday, March 17, 2006

a few more comments

So, it’s officially the hot season here. And it’s hot. HOT!!! Also, religious rules are becoming stricter and that means more clothes. Which makes it even hotter.
I went shopping today to buy more long-sleeved shirts, and actually had some luck (perhaps my taste in clothes is adapting as well). But it was so hot, it wasn’t so much about trying on the clothes as peeling and unpeeling clothes on and off. I just don’t like sweating this much. But, the good thing is that it makes me appreciate cool things a lot more. Like the AC in the truck and the office. And a refrigerated drink. And now we can find ice cream here in Meulaboh. Which is awesome. It doesn’t taste like any particular flavor, however, but rather sort of the color it is. For example, the “strawberry” tasted pink. I’m not complaining at all though. I’m just really excited that it’s here.

On a side note: while I still love avocado juice, my current favorite has switched over to mango juice since mangos are finally in season again.

Another completely unrelated comment: We have this amazing electric mosquito zapper thing. It looks like a tennis racket and you swat mosquitoes and bugs with it and it zaps them to death. They’re completely vaporized. It’s awesome. It also makes a very satisfying pop sound whenever you kill one. I think I take almost too much pleasure in zapping them, but entertainment options are a little slim here.


sam said...

Ah, hot weather!

Kate said...

I love it! I can just imagine that satisfying POP sound!! Heh!!

Anonymous said...

no what you mean... i could totally use one of those.