Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Valentine's Day Poem, courtesy of a 5th grade student

Ms. Ellingson

So light and
Her short calm curly hair
is fluffy and brown/golden,
pritty in its own way.
Her bright blue eyes
makes me smile.
The large buffy eye-
brows make a dark
sadow over her
eyelashes. Her
face formed
like an angel's.

There are no words.

Happy Valentine's day everyone.

P.S. I'm moving this weekend, I'll send a change-of-address email soon.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that others see the similarity between your face and an angel.

Aussie said...

I'm confused. What makes an eyebrow buffy?


Anonymous said...

who can deny it? no are like an angel...aby hutabarat..

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Ellingson :) Now I'm surching for the right words, but I dont find them. It's been a long time (er... compairing to what...) you left Budapest, and my school. I am one of your ex-students, and however I'm sure Mr Ellingson (your cousin here) would let me know your email address, I cant wait to mail to you. I know you were in contact with my classmate Dani but it lasted only for a few weeks. I'm sure your not sure who I am.. Some info:
Name: Kovács Viktor
Age: 18 (I was 14-15 when you were here)
Location. Budapest
School: Kossuth
9A/2 group when you were here. < Your first hungarian class (not the second one :p)
huh.. um.. Its ok if you ingnor me, but im looking forward to here from you. Myemail: pls send me a message :) ByeBye

Kate said...

Yeah!!! Ya gotta love it!!
Can't wait to see your angel-face. (You know you will never live that down, right?)
