Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Here I am...

So, I’ve made a New Year’s resolution that I’ll try to keep in better contact with my friends. And this blog site is going to (hopefully) be updated a lot more often this coming year.

I did move back to the States, as you’re all aware, last June. And then I moved to Seattle. I lived there for 4 months, and now I’m back in Oregon at my parents’ place, getting ready for my next overseas adventure. This time I’m going with Food for the Hungry to Meulaboh, Indonesia. Meulaboh is located in northern Sumatra, in the Aceh province. It was hit hard by the tsunami last year, and is still in the process of recovering. I’m going there to help develop several ESL curriculum programs for Indonesian ESL teachers and students. I can’t give you more details on what exactly I’ll be doing since I’m not that clear myself. I promise more info when I become enlightened.

What I do know is that I leave in a week (ahhhhhhh!!!!), on 9 January and should be back in the States on 9 June 2006. All this planning is, of course, God willing, as well as visa willing and all that jazz.

I’ve never been to Indonesia, or anywhere else in Southeast Asia. I’m curious about it. Ever since leaving Peru as a kid, I’ve wanted to try living someplace tropical again, and here’s my chance at it. I’ve got my cotton clothes, and my Malaria pills and I guess I’m as ready as I’m going to be.

As always, your thoughts, prayers and emails are much appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Abi my Friend What a great way to stay in touch. Missing you and thinking about you always.

Looking forward to reading about your adventures


sam said...

Hey Abi. I just wanted to say hi and that I'll be reading this whenever you get a chance to post.