Thursday, January 19, 2006

some thoughts

Hey Look! A picture!!

This is the view from my office. Nice, hey?

There’s a kid that lives across the street who likes to take all his clothes off and wander through our house. He also seems to like peeing into our front yard.

I’m convinced that there isn’t a difference between the three speed settings on my fan. They’re ALL too soft. It’s so dang hot here.

Sinks are useful things because when you wash your hands, you don’t splatter water on your legs.

I judge the heat of the days by the number of showers I take… an average day is a 2 shower day.

We have no hot water, and believe it or not, the “cold” water can still be a shocker when you pour it over yourself in the morning.

There are some bugs we just ignore, like the tiny ants that crawl all over the food and in our wardrobes. I do not ignore the flies on my food though, or the mosquitoes.

We can get peanut butter here!!!!!!!

Indonesians like their rice just as much as the Japanese do… breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Where else do I get to work barefoot? This is awesome.

The kids like to yell “Hey Mister!” to me. I’m not sure what to think about that.

The people here have the most glorious smiles, and they’re easily given.


Kate said...

There seems to be a new pee experience in every country. Welcome to Indonesia!!

Anonymous said...

You have your own office in this lovely place???

I love it!!
